Delivering functional and delightful SaaS products is no small task.
Good design teams understand complexity before simplifying the UI/UX. Take a look at a complex SaaS product we designed for StoryFile – Conversa. This robust Conversational Video AI software allows users to create, record, AI train, and publish interactive Storyfiles directly from their computer.
Try talking to my storyfile here: Sara Shuman’s Storyfile
- Conversa Dashboard – designed by Sara Shuman & the StoryFile Team
- Conversa Help center – designed by Sara Shuman
- Conversa Manager – create, record, AI train, and publish StoryFiles designed by Sara Shuman
- Conversa Learning – learning modules and analytics designed by Sara Shuman
- Conversa Record – recording screens designed by Sara Shuman
- Conversa Video Uploads – recording upload screens designed by Sara Shuman
To learn more about Conversa from StoryFile, take a look at the website.